Biking around East Vancouver, reading The Ginger Man, finding Z a new apartment, and trying to become a planner.
#reviews #books #literature #writing
I’ve read seven chapters so far. Here are some thoughts and some excerpts.
There is something skeevy and suspicious about how the writer designed Raoul, the white poor guy, and Burnham, the black poor guy, to create so lurid a contrast between them.
Enjoying stillness, listening to Harold Bloom interviews, watching movies, and experimenting with routines.
Activities that occupy partial attention – like driving or cooking – make me restless.
This live journal is yet another experiment inspired by the ideas I originally explored in my essay The Virtual Book.
There are many different ways to sum up a year. Here are some.
Missing Japan, losing weight, experimenting with daily routines, & more.
#essays #history #design #law #rules #mediums
Museums underwhelm me.
For Christmas and New Years, I went to Japan with my wife Z, my mom, my older sister, her boyfriend, and my younger sister.
#environment #psychology #psychoanalysis
The shower is so fertile a place for contemplation and creative thinking for so many of us that we have the name shower thoughts for the novel ideas that we produce while we’re there.
#books #writing #psychology #subconscious #relationships
In her novel Normal People, Sally Rooney exposes the hidden reasoning of our subconscious.
I almost quit this book as soon as I began it.
#books #environment #psychology #technology #evolution
From where I am sitting on my balcony I can see the TV out of the corner of my eye and it’s very difficult to ignore it.
#reviews #books #freedom #individuality #agency #liberalism #society
I heartily agree with Crawford’s emphasis on the importance of embodied experiences and his warning that virtual worlds can promote passivity, technology as magic, and false agency.
Writing what is this site? #3 made me think about how this site reimagines the process of writing books to emulate the process of software development.
#notes #writing #mediums #books #software
I anticipate confusion regarding the name of this site. How is it a book?
#writing #essays #honesty #meaning
A virtue of concrete writing is that it causes a distinct mental sensation.
I began with this sentence:
These opportunities in my early life allowed me to become not only natively proficient in Spanish and English, but also multicultural.
Is wordiness inherently bad?
I want to make the following sentence more fluid by removing its commas, but they are preventing ambiguity:
Vague memories, without any obvious relevance to what I was witnessing, bubbled into my conscious mind.
I built two new features in the spirit of the dynamic attribute of virtual books.
I’ve been getting injured, visiting the Canadian East, defining my pattern language, enjoying summer’s end, reading, writing, coding, and more.
I wrote what makes a good shower? a couple months ago and I saved four versions of the same paragraph to analyze side by side.
The standard bathtub-shower design seems like a good idea.
#journal #notes #books #design #interior-design #architecture
most…wonderful places of the world were not made by architects, but by the people.
#writing #plot #tv-shows #data-analysis #sopranos
Can quantifying the attributes of a TV show tell us something about its quality?
#essays #games #design #law #rules #curling #soccer
How would you feel if you were so good at a game that the rules were changed to undermine your strategy?
#reviews #books #technology #psychology
In his book The End Of Absence, Michael Harris laments the everpresence of digital technology.
#journal #boredom #motivation #projects #hobbies
Out of boredom have sprung many of my projects and hobbies.
I had this encounter in October of 2022, almost two years ago.
That’s her! There she is, my sweetheart!
#journal #reading #books #time-management
I have a knack for picking up new books even while I have already a few on the go. Eschewing reading etiquette in this way amuses me as if it were actual mischief.
I’ve been traveling, furnishing, reading, writing, and more.
#notes #masculinity #ego #insecurity #psychology
Alfred Adler claimed that all problems were interpersonal relationship problems.
#notes #imagery #cohesiveness #writing
In her New Yorker article about suspense, Kathryn Schulz uses a clever image to describe how suspense exists at many scales.
#reviews #books #fiction #literature
This novel is like a long, restless dream about a man paralyzed by his guilt and his grief.
Compared to The Village Vanguard, The Blue Note was a bit embarrassing.
#journal #travel #cities #gentrification #nyc
One of our intentions for visiting NYC was to test our interest in moving there.
During the week that Z & I were there, we saw friends, shopped, attended comedy & jazz shows, visited museums, drank lots of coffee, ate lots of pizza, walked, biked, rode the subway, took the ferry, and wondered where in the city we might want to live.
Our roommate started dating our neighbor a couple months ago and it’s going great.
I’ve been snowboarding, walking, listening Vieux Farka Touré, developing hoverboxes for this site, and more.
#journal #cities #vancouver #books
As I walk through cities nowadays I try to look through a Jane Jacobian lens at the diversity of enterprise and use about.
#journal #concerts #live-music
Walking on a late evening on my own I passed a theatre I knew nothing about.
#journal #seattle #live-music #music
I first read about Hailu Mergia in Pitchfork’s The 200 Best Albums of the 2010s, which listed his 2018 album Lala Belu at 185th.
The main reason I read Cormac McCarthy is to experience and learn from his writing craft.
#notes #imagery #cohesiveness #writing
…looking again in the old books, I find so much pleasure in the authority of [Cormac McCarthy’s] voice, and the wisdom that flames out from his pages, and it is painful to imagine that such a fire has been extinguished.
#journal #career #work #software
My path into software engineering, continued.
The Elephant Man bears Lynch’s touch lightly but this movie has his fingerprints all over.
#reviews #movies #mediums #writing
When I have kids I will definitely show them this movie.
Log of concerts I’ve attended.
I’ve been playing soccer, watching hockey, reading Cormac McCarthy and David Lynch, watching The Wire and True Detective, developing Muze Radio, and more.
#essays #writing #mediums #audio #psychology #hemingway
Even though Spotify categorizes it as a podcast, Random Tape is something else.
#notes #chess #games #rules #design #law
In chess, there’s a niche rule with an untranslated name that amusingly befits its esotericism: en passant.
I liked analyzing the game’s tactics and patterns from my ignorant perspective.
#journal #places #people #resorts
Hunched against the cold in our hotel bathrobes and slippers we crunched over the snow between the pools, looking for the hottest one.
#journal #people #soccer #seattle #hobbies
At my soccer game recently there was a middle-aged man recording the game from the sidelines with a camera mounted on a tall tripod.
#notes #books #relationships #psychology #insecurity
Dr. George Pransky in his book The Relationship Handbook writes:
[M]aintaining a sense of well-being is all it takes to make [relationships] enjoyable and easy.
#reviews #movies #trauma #abuse #disease
John Hurt’s performance resonated with me like wine lingers in your gut.
This site – okjuan.me/vbook – contains all my public writing.
#reviews #books #fiction #literature #philosophy #mathematics #science #subconscious #mortality
I’m 120 pages into this book and so far it has consisted purely of dialogue between a psychiatrist and a patient who has voluntarily checked herself in.
#reviews #movies #writing #story-telling #feminism
One of my favorite movies of recent times.
#journal #life #books #writing #coding #software #movies #tv-shows
I’ve been developing Muze Radio, reading Stephen King, watching Poor Things, and more.
#reviews #books #memoir #addiction #violence #music #rock #seattle
My second attempt to review a book while I read it instead of waiting until I finish it.
#notes #essays #imagery #cohesiveness #writing
Here’s an example of coordinated metaphors, something I wish other writers used more often.
#reviews #books #memoir #nonfiction #writing
Half memoir, half advice for aspiring fiction writers. Both good.
King’s advice is mostly for fiction, but some of it applies to non-fiction, too.
#notes #writing #subconscious #creativity #problem-solving
There was this little voice whispering to me that the book was really good, and if I didn’t finish, I would regret it forever.
#notes #writing #subconscious #creativity
Don’t come up with the plot of your story, says Stephen King.
#notes #seattle #portland #vancouver #victoria
I love IPAs, and I’ve had a lot of them, mostly in the Pacific Northwest. These are my few favorites.
#essays #moods #time-management #energy
Learning to pick between productive and absorptive activities based on my current mood and energy level has helped me notice, for example, when I should try to write instead of reading.
#reviews #books #fiction #literature
My first attempt to review a book while I read it instead of waiting until I finish it.
#journal #life #travel #books #reading #tv-shows #movies #writing #health #immigration
I’ve been losing weight, playing soccer, developing this site, reading books, and more.
#notes #psychology #ego #fear #fantasy #authenticity #insecurity #inadequacy #honesty
As someone who likes to think and learn about psychology on my free time, here is my understanding of ego.
#notes #career #blogging #writing #journal
This page is inspired by Viktor Lofgren’s The Small Website Discoverability Crisis and Tom Critchlow’s list of digital bookshelves.
#reviews #books #fiction #literature #america #farming #community #literature
I’d recommend this book to anyone who wants to better understand the values and politics of rural America through literature.
#essays #psychology #ego #fear #maturity #subsconscious #honesty #courage #integrity #insecurity
Can you trust someone who denies that their subsconsious plays a major role in their life?
#journal #career #work #software
My path into software engineering.
#reviews #books #nutrition #diet #science #health #evolution
I recommend this book to anyone who wants to inform their dietary choices.
#essays #writing #profession #career
A not-so-secret desire of mine is to write non-fiction professionally.
I wrote an essay called The Virtual Book but I never defined the term.
#reviews #books #neuroscience #psychology #perception
Absolutely essential read. Mind-bending and mind-expanding.
#journal #honesty #car-salesmen #people
The two young guys standing at the counter brought in an old Honda Civic for a pre-purchase inspection, and Amir had found several issues with it.
#essays #writing #narration #point-of-view #norman-mailer #new-journalism
I read half of The Executioner’s Song – Norman Mailer’s gargantuan, Pulitzer Prize-winning nonfiction novel about Gary Gilmore – and figured I could put it down and move on.
Take this quote by anthropologist Clifford Geertz:
One of the most significant facts about humanity may finally be that we all begin with the natural equipment to live a thousand kinds of life but end in the end having lived only one.
#essays #time-management #mortality #mindfulness
This morning I almost got overwhelmed with things I had to do. Like when you set your glass down too hard and the wave rises to the rim menacingly.
#journal #relationships #marriage #religion #people
It seemed, until the very last moment, that the seat to my right would be empty.
#essays #sleep #dreams #subsconscious #neuroscience #evolution #problem-solving #thinking
Freud, apparently, thought dreams prevented us from going crazy.
#reviews #writing #books #parenting #memoir #therapy #abuse #anxiety #depression #mental-health
Really really good. It shows that McCurdy is not just interested in telling her story but also interested in writing as a craft.
#essays #philosophy #poli-sci #thinking #knowledge
Several years ago, in the last and lightest semester of my Computer Science degree, I spent a good deal of my free time studying YouTube videos about politics, philosophy, and sociology.
Suppose you have this sentence:
It leads us out of the present, leading to a life spent leaning into the future
#essays #creativity #memory #psychology
I find it surprisingly easy to whistle a new tune.
#reviews #books #relationships #marriage #monogamy #sexuality #infidelity
I think this is a must-read for anyone who wants to be in a long-term relationship.
#essays #psychology #motivation #work
The idea is that, through sheer thought, you can mobilize a body sapped of motivation.
#reviews #writing #books #true-crime #new-journalism
I picked up this book to learn about Norman Mailer’s writing style. He really is a very good chronicler.
#reviews #writing #books #memoir
Any aspiring non-fiction writer should read this.
#essays #time-management #mortality #mindfulness
It is old advice to live now because now is the only time you will ever live. Embrace this moment because it is the only one in reach.
#reviews #books #time-management #mortality
Highly recommend to anyone interested in reading about time management. This book has a radical message for you: give up hope.
#essays #mediums #art #writing
Writing The Virtual Book forced me to ask: when is writing the best medium?
#notes #essays #imagery #cohesiveness #writing
It’s important to keep your metaphors from bumping into one another.
#journal #seattle #central-district #live-music #brewery #places
As Daudi Abe tells in his 2020 book, Emerald Street: A History of Hip Hop in Seattle, the city’s black folks first set down roots in Central District (the CD) in the late 1880s.
This is my second review of this book. I have to say – it won me over, big time.
#essays #creativity #ideas #inspiration
As you will have noticed, the essays on this site are all titled “how to X”, but are not guides as much as blog entries. “How to” is just a rhetorical device, an invitation to approach a subject.
#essays #honesty #bullshit #ego
Once, when I was a Teaching Assistant for a 3rd year Computer Science course, I had to invigilate a couple students while they took a midterm.
Everyone should learn to leave books unfinished.
Ever since I read How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read, I’ve stopped trying to absorb everything I read.
#essays #critical-thinking #reading
I read with haste, crazed by the amount of content I won’t get to unless I hurry.
#essays #time-management #decision-making #work
The other day I picked a bunch of books from my library and tried to start each of them.
#essays #mortality #time-management #prioritization
Death is coming.
#essays #decision-making #reading
There is a ridiculous amount of content out there.
#reviews #books #sleep-science #medicine #health #physiology #dreams
I got some useful and interesting concepts from this book
Notes about style and process of writing how to work #2.
#essays #psychology #time-management #energy #physiology
Right now, it’s 5:28pm. I just finished my work day.
#reviews #books #writing #poetry #relationships #abuse #trauma #memoir #feminism #misogyny #racism
Really beautiful. Poetic. A bit repetitive.
A gem! An exercise in the art of understatement and a great example of fruitful experimentation with the novel form.
#journal #seattle #cocktail-bar #places
As we are finishing our meals, the waiter comes over. It’s not to ask us anything, but to bless us with the news that we have completed our time in purgatory and earned our time to ascend. The speakeasy awaits.
#reviews #books #memoir #jazz #abuse #narcissism
It started with promise!
#journal #soccer #clothing #fashion #popularity #shopping #brands #hand-me-downs #vintage #regret
In elementary school I chose my outfits for one thing: recess.
#reviews #movies #writing #story-telling
A twisting plot with topical themes woven in elegantly. My main complaint is that they get the characters to tell you things that the story itself explains well enough.
Notes on style and process of writing The Virtual Book.
#essays #writing #new-journalism
Decades ago, The New Yorker and other magazines experimented with the journalistic form by introducing literary techniques into it.
#essays #mediums #story-telling #music #photography #videos #journalism
As satisfying as it was to hear Herbie narrate the stories in his audiobook, it was frustrating to never hear his music.
#essays #mediums #story-telling #education #interfaces
A modern torchbearer of Thompson’s immersion journalism is comedian-journalist Andrew Callaghan.
#essays #music #jazz #creativity #religion #art #career
The first song of Herbie Hancock’s Mwandishi is hard to describe.
#reviews #writing #books #post-apocalyptic #novel
The prose is great, incredibly tidy and evocative.
#reviews #movies #writing #story-telling #mediums #movie-adaptations
A poor adaptation… too literal.
#reviews #movies #masculinity #patriotism #white-supremacy #racism #propaganda
This is straight up white American masculinity porn. Is pornaganda a word?
An incredibly entertaining read, full of absurd, shocking, and sometimes unbelievable scenes. An awesome example of writing as craft.
#reviews #movies #writing #episodic-storytelling #relationships #co-dependency #insecurity #ego #racism
I just love the writing.
#reviews #movies #writing #masculinity #patriarchy #domination
I really enjoyed watching this in theatres. However, is this not yet another movie that glorifies Dominator culture?
#reviews #movies #coming-of-age #story-telling
Just so good… a beautiful story about the scary and exciting process of individuating, bridging out of childhood.
#reviews #books #mortality #death #psychology
I read a chunk of this.
#reviews #writing #books #memoir #new-journalism #magazine-journalism
Awesome read about an accomplished writer’s career and life.
#reviews #movies #writing #biblical #acting
The imagery in the opening scenes is fantastic.
The audiobook narrated by Herbie is great. His impression of Miles is hilarious.
#reviews #writing #books #biblical #story-telling
Steinbeck brings you into a world, not only through colorful, vivid descriptions but also rich characters whose lives we witness over decades.
Notes about style and process of writing how to work.
#essays #psychology #time-management #energy #physiology
When I do work and I get stuck I leave my desk and wander down the hallway.
#reviews #movies #spanish #passages #mid-life-crisis #sexuality #mortality
I loved the writing, the acting, and the set design.
#essays #psychology #creativity #subconscious #problem-solving
Does the brain control you, or are you controlling the brain? I don’t know if I’m in charge of mine.
#reviews #movies #writing #sexism #misogyny
My two main problems with this movie are Jack Nicholson’s character, Costello, and The Love Interest.
#essays #hemingway #kerouac #diction #writing #style #literature
Despite all my admiration and enchantment while reading Hemingway’s memoir A Moveable Feast I couldn’t help but frowning at his writing mantra: “make instead of describing”. Surely he’s been describing all along?
#reviews #movies #writing #pixar
It’s exciting to see Black America represented in a Pixar movie: to hear Charles Mingus and A Tribe Called Quest, to see reflected the work ethic, family values, and sense of community.
This year felt like the right time to escape the present. And so, I ditched hip hop, neo-soul, and modern R&B and journeyed back to the 60s and 70s.
#reviews #movies #writing #movie-adaptations #anxiety #ego #abuse
It is a movie about him, but it is told through her. It is a story about his failure to connect with others.
#reviews #movies #writing #ego #masculinity
At the beginning it’s mostly fancy transitions and strings and choreography and facades and props. Past their yelling, the characters are pretty shallow.
#reviews #writing #books #memoir #abuse #trauma
Tara Westover’s writing is clear, poignant, and deeply thoughtful.
#reviews #books #memoir #entrepreneurship
I wasn’t particularly satisfied with Randolph’s writing skills, but the book made for an entertaining 1st person account of the birth of Netflix.
#reviews #books #reasoning #beliefs #persuasion #relationships
Thoughtful and witty, infusing some ideas about the philosophy of knowledge into real, human struggles and situations.
#reviews #books #evolution #psychology
Presents a mildly compelling thesis: the human tendency to form beliefs comes from our ability to think in terms of cause and effect, which is also responsible for our remarkable tool-using and tool-making abilities.
#essays #books #reading #time-management #decision-making #psychology
Starting a new book is exciting.
To my delight, there is a wealth of curated lists of great music from the last year, spanning across genres and levels of popularity.
#poems #mortality #existentialism
I sit submerged at the bottom with my eyes closed.