This live journal is yet another experiment inspired by the ideas I originally explored in my essay The Virtual Book.
#essays #history #design #law #rules #mediums
Museums underwhelm me.
#notes #writing #mediums #books #software
I anticipate confusion regarding the name of this site. How is it a book?
#reviews #movies #mediums #writing
When I have kids I will definitely show them this movie.
#essays #writing #mediums #audio #psychology #hemingway
Even though Spotify categorizes it as a podcast, Random Tape is something else.
This site – okjuan.me/vbook – contains all my public writing.
I wrote an essay called The Virtual Book but I never defined the term.
#essays #mediums #art #writing
Writing The Virtual Book forced me to ask: when is writing the best medium?
#essays #mediums #story-telling #music #photography #videos #journalism
As satisfying as it was to hear Herbie narrate the stories in his audiobook, it was frustrating to never hear his music.
#essays #mediums #story-telling #education #interfaces
A modern torchbearer of Thompson’s immersion journalism is comedian-journalist Andrew Callaghan.
#reviews #movies #writing #story-telling #mediums #movie-adaptations
A poor adaptation… too literal.