Activities that occupy partial attention – like driving or cooking – make me restless.
#essays #history #design #law #rules #mediums
Museums underwhelm me.
#writing #essays #honesty #meaning
A virtue of concrete writing is that it causes a distinct mental sensation.
Is wordiness inherently bad?
#essays #games #design #law #rules #curling #soccer
How would you feel if you were so good at a game that the rules were changed to undermine your strategy?
#essays #writing #mediums #audio #psychology #hemingway
Even though Spotify categorizes it as a podcast, Random Tape is something else.
#notes #essays #imagery #cohesiveness #writing
Here’s an example of coordinated metaphors, something I wish other writers used more often.
#essays #moods #time-management #energy
Learning to pick between productive and absorptive activities based on my current mood and energy level has helped me notice, for example, when I should try to write instead of reading.
#essays #psychology #ego #fear #maturity #subsconscious #honesty #courage #integrity #insecurity
Can you trust someone who denies that their subsconsious plays a major role in their life?
#essays #writing #profession #career
A not-so-secret desire of mine is to write non-fiction professionally.
#essays #writing #narration #point-of-view #norman-mailer #new-journalism
I read half of The Executioner’s Song – Norman Mailer’s gargantuan, Pulitzer Prize-winning nonfiction novel about Gary Gilmore – and figured I could put it down and move on.
Take this quote by anthropologist Clifford Geertz:
One of the most significant facts about humanity may finally be that we all begin with the natural equipment to live a thousand kinds of life but end in the end having lived only one.
#essays #time-management #mortality #mindfulness
This morning I almost got overwhelmed with things I had to do. Like when you set your glass down too hard and the wave rises to the rim menacingly.
#essays #sleep #dreams #subsconscious #neuroscience #evolution #problem-solving #thinking
Freud, apparently, thought dreams prevented us from going crazy.
#essays #philosophy #poli-sci #thinking #knowledge
Several years ago, in the last and lightest semester of my Computer Science degree, I spent a good deal of my free time studying YouTube videos about politics, philosophy, and sociology.
Suppose you have this sentence:
It leads us out of the present, leading to a life spent leaning into the future
#essays #creativity #memory #psychology
I find it surprisingly easy to whistle a new tune.
#essays #psychology #motivation #work
The idea is that, through sheer thought, you can mobilize a body sapped of motivation.
#essays #time-management #mortality #mindfulness
It is old advice to live now because now is the only time you will ever live. Embrace this moment because it is the only one in reach.
#essays #mediums #art #writing
Writing The Virtual Book forced me to ask: when is writing the best medium?
#notes #essays #imagery #cohesiveness #writing
It’s important to keep your metaphors from bumping into one another.
#essays #creativity #ideas #inspiration
As you will have noticed, the essays on this site are all titled “how to X”, but are not guides as much as blog entries. “How to” is just a rhetorical device, an invitation to approach a subject.
#essays #honesty #bullshit #ego
Once, when I was a Teaching Assistant for a 3rd year Computer Science course, I had to invigilate a couple students while they took a midterm.
Everyone should learn to leave books unfinished.
Ever since I read How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read, I’ve stopped trying to absorb everything I read.
#essays #critical-thinking #reading
I read with haste, crazed by the amount of content I won’t get to unless I hurry.
#essays #time-management #decision-making #work
The other day I picked a bunch of books from my library and tried to start each of them.
#essays #mortality #time-management #prioritization
Death is coming.
#essays #decision-making #reading
There is a ridiculous amount of content out there.
#essays #psychology #time-management #energy #physiology
Right now, it’s 5:28pm. I just finished my work day.
#essays #writing #new-journalism
Decades ago, The New Yorker and other magazines experimented with the journalistic form by introducing literary techniques into it.
#essays #mediums #story-telling #music #photography #videos #journalism
As satisfying as it was to hear Herbie narrate the stories in his audiobook, it was frustrating to never hear his music.
#essays #mediums #story-telling #education #interfaces
A modern torchbearer of Thompson’s immersion journalism is comedian-journalist Andrew Callaghan.
#essays #music #jazz #creativity #religion #art #career
The first song of Herbie Hancock’s Mwandishi is hard to describe.
#essays #psychology #time-management #energy #physiology
When I do work and I get stuck I leave my desk and wander down the hallway.
#essays #psychology #creativity #subconscious #problem-solving
Does the brain control you, or are you controlling the brain? I don’t know if I’m in charge of mine.
#essays #hemingway #kerouac #diction #writing #style #literature
Despite all my admiration and enchantment while reading Hemingway’s memoir A Moveable Feast I couldn’t help but frowning at his writing mantra: “make instead of describing”. Surely he’s been describing all along?
#essays #books #reading #time-management #decision-making #psychology
Starting a new book is exciting.