#notes #writing #subconscious #creativity #problem-solving
There was this little voice whispering to me that the book was really good, and if I didn’t finish, I would regret it forever.
#notes #writing #subconscious #creativity
Don’t come up with the plot of your story, says Stephen King.
#essays #creativity #memory #psychology
I find it surprisingly easy to whistle a new tune.
#essays #creativity #ideas #inspiration
As you will have noticed, the essays on this site are all titled “how to X”, but are not guides as much as blog entries. “How to” is just a rhetorical device, an invitation to approach a subject.
#essays #music #jazz #creativity #religion #art #career
The first song of Herbie Hancock’s Mwandishi is hard to describe.
#essays #psychology #creativity #subconscious #problem-solving
Does the brain control you, or are you controlling the brain? I don’t know if I’m in charge of mine.