Writing what is this site? #3 made me think about how this site reimagines the process of writing books to emulate the process of software development.
#notes #writing #mediums #books #software
I anticipate confusion regarding the name of this site. How is it a book?
I began with this sentence:
These opportunities in my early life allowed me to become not only natively proficient in Spanish and English, but also multicultural.
I want to make the following sentence more fluid by removing its commas, but they are preventing ambiguity:
Vague memories, without any obvious relevance to what I was witnessing, bubbled into my conscious mind.
I wrote what makes a good shower? a couple months ago and I saved four versions of the same paragraph to analyze side by side.
The standard bathtub-shower design seems like a good idea.
#journal #notes #books #design #interior-design #architecture
most…wonderful places of the world were not made by architects, but by the people.
I had this encounter in October of 2022, almost two years ago.
#notes #masculinity #ego #insecurity #psychology
Alfred Adler claimed that all problems were interpersonal relationship problems.
#notes #imagery #cohesiveness #writing
In her New Yorker article about suspense, Kathryn Schulz uses a clever image to describe how suspense exists at many scales.
The main reason I read Cormac McCarthy is to experience and learn from his writing craft.
#notes #imagery #cohesiveness #writing
…looking again in the old books, I find so much pleasure in the authority of [Cormac McCarthy’s] voice, and the wisdom that flames out from his pages, and it is painful to imagine that such a fire has been extinguished.
#notes #chess #games #rules #design #law
In chess, there’s a niche rule with an untranslated name that amusingly befits its esotericism: en passant.
#notes #books #relationships #psychology #insecurity
Dr. George Pransky in his book The Relationship Handbook writes:
[M]aintaining a sense of well-being is all it takes to make [relationships] enjoyable and easy.
This site – okjuan.me/vbook – contains all my public writing.
#notes #essays #imagery #cohesiveness #writing
Here’s an example of coordinated metaphors, something I wish other writers used more often.
King’s advice is mostly for fiction, but some of it applies to non-fiction, too.
#notes #writing #subconscious #creativity #problem-solving
There was this little voice whispering to me that the book was really good, and if I didn’t finish, I would regret it forever.
#notes #writing #subconscious #creativity
Don’t come up with the plot of your story, says Stephen King.
#notes #seattle #portland #vancouver #victoria
I love IPAs, and I’ve had a lot of them, mostly in the Pacific Northwest. These are my few favorites.
#notes #psychology #ego #fear #fantasy #authenticity #insecurity #inadequacy #honesty
As someone who likes to think and learn about psychology on my free time, here is my understanding of ego.
#notes #career #blogging #writing #journal
This page is inspired by Viktor Lofgren’s The Small Website Discoverability Crisis and Tom Critchlow’s list of digital bookshelves.
I wrote an essay called The Virtual Book but I never defined the term.
#notes #essays #imagery #cohesiveness #writing
It’s important to keep your metaphors from bumping into one another.