#writing #essays #honesty #meaning
A virtue of concrete writing is that it causes a distinct mental sensation.
#notes #psychology #ego #fear #fantasy #authenticity #insecurity #inadequacy #honesty
As someone who likes to think and learn about psychology on my free time, here is my understanding of ego.
#essays #psychology #ego #fear #maturity #subsconscious #honesty #courage #integrity #insecurity
Can you trust someone who denies that their subsconsious plays a major role in their life?
#journal #honesty #car-salesmen #people
The two young guys standing at the counter brought in an old Honda Civic for a pre-purchase inspection, and Amir had found several issues with it.
#essays #honesty #bullshit #ego
Once, when I was a Teaching Assistant for a 3rd year Computer Science course, I had to invigilate a couple students while they took a midterm.