There Will Be Blood (2007)
The imagery in the opening scenes is fantastic. The mute workers, the tense music, the dry land, the black oil. The scene is like that of Gollum finding the ring. And maybe of original sin.
I loved the simplicity and restraint in the writing. Through a select few interactions, we get a deep feel for the tensions between Daniel and his son, Daniel and Eli, Daniel and his competitors, Daniel and his purported brother, and within Daniel himself. Of course it’s down to the acting as well. Daniel Day Lewis twists your stomach.
I loved the themes too. Choice by choice Daniel narrows himself into a brutal, heartless capitalist. But in his confused attempts to connect with family we see the subconscious part of him that still fights for his humanity. But in the end he mines himself barren.
Also, I felt more satisfied with this film’s allusions to Cain and Abel than John Steinbeck’s in East of Eden; it’s impressive that a film could rival an 800-page novel by one of America’s most prolific writers.